
Aakkosto is a responsible actor. We wish to act for the benefit of our clients, employees, partners and all of society. We are always fair and abide by our agreements.


We very rarely receive assignments without a critical schedule. We understand that our clients need the translations at the given time. Aakkosto sticks to the agreed schedule.


If the quality of the translations turns out to be poor, it leads to trouble for the client and also, almost without exception, additional costs. A good translation agency does not create additional problems, but reduces them. Aakkosto is a good translation agency.


A translation agency works with very sensitive information on a daily basis. We understand our responsibilities when we handle our clients’ confidential material.

All of our translators and editors work under strict confidentiality agreements.

Even though different non-local tools are becoming more and more common in the industry, Aakkosto does not take part in trends that risk data security. We understand that our clients do not wish us to use translation tools based on cloud technology, as these give third parties access to sensitive material. When a company lets Aakkosto translate, for example, their stock exchange releases, outsiders do not receive confidential information until it is officially published. Aakkosto is trustworthy.


Get in touch

Käännöstoimisto Aakkosto Oy
Kavaljeerintie 10 A
VAT: FI 24416318


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